The apartment in Glassperleveien 1F from 2003 have a size of 55 m² and contains among other things 1 bathroom and 2 bedrooms.

Images from 21 October 2013


Area primary icon Area primary:
55 m2
Area usable icon Area usable:
60 m2
Area gross icon Area gross:
60 m2
Bedrooms icon Bedrooms:
Bathrooms icon Bathrooms:
Unittype icon Unittype:
Floor icon Floor:
Construction year icon Construction year:


Sale history




14 June 2024
Registered sale
3 350 000
26 April 2024
3 150 000
13 February 2014
Registered sale
2 600 000
25 January 2014
2 490 000
19 June 2009
Registered sale
1 950 000
31 May 2009
1 990 000
07 November 2006
Registered sale
1 950 000
21 February 2003
Registered sale
1 135 000
21 January 2002
Registered sale
Unknown price

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